Engage your students as doers and creators of mathematics in semester-long, data-driven applied mathematics investigations that support core grade-level learning.
AMP investigations focus on:
- Grade 7: Heat Islands in My Community
- Grade 8: Epidemiology in My Community
- Grade 9: Aerospace Endeavors of South LA engineers
Click here for a sample activity from the Grade 9 investigation!
Implement as an:
- Elective Course
- After School Enrichment
- STEM Magnet PBL
- Exploratory Math Labs
incorporated into
core mathematics courses
In AMP, your students will investigate mathematics relevant to their community on small research teams under your mentorship. In the curriculum, they’ll interact with videos and vignettes in which a diverse group of STEM professionals share their personal STEM journey. AMP provides “windows and mirrors” that help your students view mathematics as a socially useful endeavor in which their whole person can engage. Authored by UCLA Mathematics, LA industry partners, and The Curtis Center to rehumanize mathematics for secondary students, AMP is a Bill & Melinda Gates Grand Challenge for U.S. Education awardee.
Summer 2024 AMP Camp
Learn how to teach the AMP Heat Islands investigation. In this investigation, students use environmental sensors to collect temperature data and apply grade-level statistics to identify heat islands in their community and study what can be done about them.
Six day training @ UCLA: July 24-26 + 29 – 31, 2024
Teacher training provided at no cost, thanks to a Nicholas Endowment grant! Costs for classroom materials to implement are outlined here.
Registration is now closed. Reach out to curtiscenter@math.ucla.edu for future AMP dates.