Isai Lopez: Math of the Dragon 2: How South LA Engineers Ensure a Safe Return to Earth
Thursday, Oct. 26th
9:45 – 11AM
Marriott Supreme Court Room
Abstract: The Applied Mathematics Mentorship Program, funded by a Gates Grand Challenge, engages South LA students in semester-long investigations relevant to their community under the guidance of STEM mentors of color. Come engage in an AMMP algebra 1 activity (FIF.6, SID.7, SID.6) exploring how the size of the Crew Dragon’s parachutes and affect its speed. See the handouts here
Heather Dallas: Core of the Core: Finding Instructional Efficiencies
Saturday, Oct. 28th
9:45 – 11AM
DC Convention Center Room 102AB
Abstract: The UCLA Mathematics Department’s Curtis Center proposes a minimal subset of the Common Core that still spans the content of California’s algebra 1, geometry and algebra 2 courses. The subset leverages efficiencies in overlapping standards to increase student opportunity to learn the application and development of the key grade-level content. See the handouts here.