Math for LA Scholarships provide financial support to undergraduates serious about pursuing a career in mathematics education.
2023 - 2024 Awards

Undergraduate students in Math for LA who are serious about pursuing a career as a teacher can qualify for a scholarship up to $4,500 and must meet the following criteria:
1. Student must be at least one of the following:
a. Rising senior in the Math for Teaching Major or Math for Teaching Minor.
b. Rising senior accepted into the Joint Math Education Pathway
c. Rising junior accepted into the Integrated Pathway
2. Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the student’s financial aid package or equivalent. (We will contact FAFSA for this information)
3. Overall GPA must be 3.0+
The application components are:
1. Unofficial transcript
2. Original classroom activity with a lesson plan
3. Optional: Volunteer Experience for the Dorothy Smith Curtis Scholar Recognition
Please gather your application components and apply on the UCLA Scholarship Website.