Math for LA offers two undergraduate credential pathways jointly with the UCLA School of Education: the Integrated Mathematics Education Pathway and the Joint Mathematics Education Pathway. Each leads to a California Single Subject Teaching Credential in Mathematics.
Integrated Math Education Pathway

In the Integrated Mathematics Education Pathway, Math for Teaching majors complete courses in education and mathematics during their junior and senior years to earn a California teaching credential upon graduation.
Students who complete this pathway will:
• Engage in credential coursework during their junior and senior years
• Graduate with both a Bachelors Degree and CA Teaching Credential
• Be able to teach full time with a full time salary upon graduation
Application Requirements
Math for Teaching majors apply for this pathway during spring quarter of their sophomore year and enroll in education courses in the UCLA School of Education as a junior. Students typically have a minimum overall 3.0 GPA.
Students engage in education courses and fieldwork which counts towards the 600 Clinical Practice hours requirement for a CA teaching credential.
The application for the 2025-2027 cohort is now available. The deadline to apply for this pathway is May 2025. Students selected for this pathway will be notified by the end of the Spring 2025 quarter.
Autobiographical Statement: 1-2 page limit
Prompt: Your autobiographical statement should indicate why you are applying to the program and what you hope to gain from the program. Please also share the development of your teaching interest, your education related work and volunteer experience (paid or volunteer) related to education, school-age children, urban schools, and your strengths, skills, or other attributes that are related.
Junior/Senior Course Planner
Students must submit a course planner that outlines the courses for their major, minor (if applicable), and the education courses required for this pathway for the current quarter and the next two years. Please upload a pdf version of the course planner to your application.
Unofficial Transcript
Please download and submit an unofficial transcript from your student account on MyUCLA.
Letter of Recommendation
The letter should be written by a mathematics or education professor with whom you successfully completed at least one course, or a professional familiar with your work with students. Please notify your recommender to submit their recommendation in the Additional Information section below.
Please check this page again Spring 2025
Additional Information
Note: Education 127 will be offered in the Fall for the 2024-2025 academic school year. If you are planning on enrolling in this course, email by the beginning on Winter Quarter. Please provide your UID and and include which mathematics education courses you have taken/plan to enroll in (i.e. Math 73XP, Math 74XP or Math 75XP).
Students will need to complete the CA credential requirements.
Please upload the Integrated Mathematics Education Pathway recommendation form for your undergraduate student below.
For immediate help:
Visit our Recommendations by Year.
To talk with an experienced mathematics educator familiar with Math for LA offerings:
To talk with a Mathematics degree counselor:
Trisha Tran
Undergraduate Officer
Department of Mathematics
6356 Mathematical Sciences
(310) 206-1286
Joint Math Education Pathway

In the Joint Mathematics Education Pathway, students complete courses in education and mathematics during the senior year. They complete additional education courses the following summer to earn a California teaching credential. Over the following year, they work as a full-time teacher in a Los Angeles high-needs school while they complete graduate courses to earn a Master’s in Education.
Students who successfully complete this pathway will:
• Engage in credential coursework during their senior year and post-baccalaureate summer
• Graduate with a Bachelors Degree
• Earn a CA Teaching Credential after the summer quarter
• Begin teaching full time with a full time salary after the summer quarter
• Complete a Master’s in Education by the following June
Application Requirements
Students apply for this program Fall quarter of their Junior year and enroll in graduate education courses in the School of Education the following academic year.Students typically have a minimum overall 3.0 GPA.
Students engage in education courses and fieldwork which counts towards the 600 Clinical Practice hours required for a CA teaching credential. Successful applicants typically complete enough of their undergraduate major requirements that they have no more than 24 units of major requirements left to complete in their senior year.
The application deadline for the 2025-2027 cohort is January 6th, 2025. Students selected for this program will be asked to participate in interviews on January 18th, and notified of their acceptance by the end of the 2025 Winter Quarter.
Autobiographical Statement: 1-2 page limit
Prompt: Your autobiographical statement should indicate why you are applying to the program and what you hope to gain from the program. Please also share the development of your teaching interest, your education related work and volunteer experience (paid or volunteer) related to education, school-age children, urban schools, and your strengths, skills, or other attributes that are related.
Junior/Senior Course Planner
Students must submit a course planner that outlines the courses for their major, minor (if applicable), and the education courses required for this program for the next two years. Please upload a pdf version of the course planner to your application.
Unofficial Transcript
Please download and submit an unofficial transcript from your student account on MyUCLA.
Two Letters of Recommendation
One letter must be written by a mathematics professor from whom you have completed at least one course. The second letter must be written by another mathematics or education professor from whom you have completed at least one course, or a professional familiar with your work with students.
Please notify your recommender to submit their recommendation in the Additional Information section below.
The application is available here.
Additional Information
Note: Education 127 will be offered in the Fall for the 2024-2025 academic school year. If you are planning on enrolling in this course, email by the beginning of Winter Quarter. Please provide your UID and include which CalTeach courses you have taken/plan to enroll in (i.e. Math 73XP, Math 74XP or Math 75XP).
Students will need to complete the following CA Credential requirements.
Please upload the Joint Mathematics Education Program recommendation form for your undergraduate student below.
For immediate help:
Visit our Recommendations by Year.
To talk with an experienced mathematics educator familiar with Math for LA offerings:
To talk with a Mathematics degree counselor:
Trisha Tran
Undergraduate Officer
Department of Mathematics
6356 Mathematical Sciences
(310) 206-1286